DRC x Haiti Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Transfer

On 14 August 2021, Haiti was struck by a magnitude 7.2 earthquake, devastating the island. Available data in OpenStreetMap (OSM) for the Sud and Grande Anse departments dated back to 2016 (from the response to Hurricane Matthew) and did not include significant changes to the landscape, including newly constructed buildings and roads. HOT and the COSMHANNE community in Haiti developed a project together to build technical and organisational capacity through training and mapping in order that the community could address this lack of up-to-date data.

New open mapping actors in Ecuador

On April 16, 2016, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake shook Ecuador, leaving a large number of dead and homeless, and generating a humanitarian emergency. Among the aid actions deployed, the joint action between Mapping Ecuador and HOT allowed for a better detailed mapping of the affected areas, especially “roads, towns, villages, to coordinate the aid efforts of government institutions and the rescue initiatives of civil society.”

Nuevos actores del mapeo abierto en Ecuador

El 16 de abril del 2016 un terremoto de grado 7.8 sacudió Ecuador dejando una gran cantidad de muertos y damnificados, y generando una emergencia humanitaria. Entre las acciones de ayuda desplegadas, la acción conjunta entre Mapping Ecuador y HOT permitió cartografiar a un mejor detalle las zonas afectadas, sobre todo “caminos, pueblos, aldeas, para coordinar los esfuerzos de ayuda de las instituciones gubernamentales y las iniciativas de rescate de la sociedad civil”.

Update on the 2022 and 2023 Summits

The purpose of the HOT Summit has always been to bring together communities, partners, collaborators and supporters, committed to and active in HOT’s mission and vision, to learn, share and connect. The event has brought together 100s if not 1000s of people over the years and has been a rich and fertile ground for building capacity, sharing knowledge, strengthening networks and launching collaborations and initiatives around humanitarian work, social impact and OSM and open mapping.

Novedades desde LATAM

2022 parece un buen año para la comunidad OSM latinoamericana, hay actividades en curso en varios países y estamos seguros que en otros ya se está planeando qué hacer, pues varias personas han manifestado su interés para retomar iniciativas a este nivel comunitario. Así que demos un vistazo al panorama OSM latinoamericano: