Informing and workshops at the Accomodation centre for asylum seekers

Slovene Philanthropy has been conducting a project of informing and organising workshops at the Accomodation Centre for Asylum Seekers since September. The purpose of the project is giving relevant information to asylum seekers and presenting various topics, rules and the way of staying at the accomodation centres and Slovenian society. With this information and knowledge we ensure easier integration into the Slovenian society, a more independent access to rights and an understanding the new system they now live in to the seekers. About 35 people are informed weekly.

There are a lot of very practical questions, connected with the current measures against the epidemic, and others. A part of this project are also brochures in Slovenian, English, Arabic and Persian language that contain basic information. We also prepared videos about self-testing for Covid-19, public transport in Slovenia and traffic safety.

Instructions for self-testing (FARSI)

Instructions for self-testing (ENGLISH)

Public transport in Slovenia (FARSI)

Traffic safety (FARSI)

Public transport in Slovenia (ENGLISH)

Traffic safety (ENGLISH)

Public transport in Slovenia (ARABIC)

Traffic safety (ARABIC)

This post was originally published on Slovenska filantropija.