Covid-19 Vaccines for Teachers Arrive in Mexico with Transportation Support from Direct Relief

On Saturday, 2.7 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine, donated and manufactured by Moderna, arrived in Toluca, Mexico, to support the country’s vaccination efforts. The donation of vaccines from Moderna to the Government of Mexico was supported by Direct Relief. FedEx provided transportation for the shipment, which touched down in Mexico on Saturday morning.

Last week, Mexico’s Secretary of Foreign Relations, Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon, stated that the donation is the first of its kind from a U.S. company directly to the Government of Mexico. Officials said that the Covid-19 vaccines included in the shipment would be prioritized for the country’s educators, allowing teachers extra protection during class time.

Direct Relief has served as a licensed distributor exporting vaccines throughout the pandemic, and has facilitated multiple Covid-19 vaccine donations, including between the U.S. Government to Mexico. Counting the shipments completed over the weekend, Direct Relief has supported the importation and transfer of 13.7 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine to Mexico and countries throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

2.7 million Moderna Covid-19 vaccines arrive in Toluca, Mexico. The donation of vaccines from Moderna to the Government of Mexico was supported by Direct Relief. FedEx provided transportation for the shipment, which touched down in Mexico on Saturday morning. (Photo by Aintza Udaeta for Direct Relief)

This post was originally published on Direct Relief.