LGBTQ+ Health Needs Require Targeted Interventions to Address Health Disparities

For this month, Doctors of the World has taken a closer look, both at the international community as well as within its own chapters, to see how LGBTQ+ needs are identified, and more importantly addressed. Looking into the representation of LGBTQ+ needs in the global health landscape, it is clear that significant gaps exist, given the health disparities recorded. Doctors of the World has always been vocal on human rights, we firmly believe in confronting discrimination and violence taken against marginalized groups. To not speak up is to condone. 
The United Nations 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) was established as a guide to improve our world, with its overarching mission to “leave no one behind”. SDG 3 in particular was created “to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.” Overall, the SDGs offer intersectional approaches that seek to improve the quality of life for all. However, due to the consensus nature of negotiations for this agenda, the document was unable to include LGBTQ+ as a specific group facing barriers to the right to development. Advocates were able to ensure that people that were marginalized because of their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) were inserted in commitments to “leave no one behind”. Nonetheless, by failing to specify LGBTQ+ in its agenda, it perpetuates the huge disparities that exist when it comes to LGBTQ health data, treatment, and inclusion. 

A 2017 briefing published by the Global Forum on MSM and HIV and OutRight Action International, looks to amend the UNSDGs Agenda by providing recommendations on how to better improve LGBTQ+ health. The authors identified seven SDG 3 targets that Member States and civil society should work to address. The Agenda 2030 for LGBTQ+ Health and Wellbeing further stresses the importance of collecting and disseminating data and knowledge, so that evidence-based policy can be established that successfully addresses health disparities. 
As part of the global humanitarian community, it is vital that Doctors of the World exchange research and knowledge on the topic. Today, we will discuss one of the projects we are incredibly honored to be a part of, the LGBTQ+ health in Uganda. However, if you are curious to learn about our other LGBTQ+ programs, be sure to keep an eye out on our social media platforms to get insights on other programs occurring around the world.  It is vital, for the sake of this community, that knowledge is shared, that all voices are heard, and most importantly, action is taken. 

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